
  • By opening a share account, you become a member/owner in our special financial institution. We pride ourselves on our member service, we will learn your name and do our best to pay the highest dividends, and charge the lowest fees and loan rates.

    Keep an active account and you will always be a valued member even if you move, retire or change jobs. You have complete access to your funds whether you withdraw in person or use your Visa Debit/ATM card for 24-hour availability worldwide. Your share account even earns dividends, which are compounded and paid quarterly.

  • The share draft account provides a convenient way to withdraw funds from your account or pay those pesky bills. There is no per draft charge, and no minimum balance fee.

  • If you need some help saving money, why not try the Special account. While you can withdraw funds in the office, this account is not accessible with your Visa Debit/ATM card. You won't be able to do any frivolous spending here! Besides earning dividends which are posted and compounded quarterly, there are no fees associated with the Special account.

  • Wouldn't it be great to have golden, olden years?

    Let us help you meet that goal by opening up a Traditional or Roth IRA account. Dividends are compounded and posted quarterly and our rates are very competitive.

    You might want to also set up an Education "IRA" to save funds for college tuition expenses of your children or grandchildren.

  • You can use your shares to earn the really big bucks by purchasing a certificate of deposit. When you lock your $1000.00 minimum deposit in for a term of 1 year, you get the best return of all. The dividends are posted and compounded quarterly.

    Rates are subject to change without notice.

  • Use this holiday account to stockpile funds for that holiday shopping. While this account also receives and compounds dividends quarterly, the dividends earned during the last quarter of the year are paid at the end of November.

    What could be better than more time and more money to shop?

Account Fees



Overdraft (Check, ACH, or ATM)


Overdraft Transfer
(Over 1 per/month)

$5.00 each

Share Draft/ACH Stop Pay


Share Draft Acct Printout Costs


Share Draft Acct


Direct Deposit Info & Set Up

No Charge

Notary Service (free for members)


Statement Copies


Certified Copy of Paid Draft


Dormant Account


Bad Address Fee


Debit/ATM Card Replacement Fee (lost card)


CU Check Payable to 2nd Party (Free for members - 1 per day)


Research Acct (Waived if CU error)


Wire Fee (Domestic)


Wire Fee (Foreign)


Credit Reports


Real Estate Closing Costs

Actual Cost

Title & Lien Fees

Actual Cost

Recreational Property Loans

Third Party Fees

Paper Statement Fee

$3.00 or free if born before 1950

Real Estate Origination Fee

$750.00 or 1%; whichever is greater

Late Charges on Loans 20% of interest due when loan is delinquent for a period of 15 days or more (minimum $.05)