ADEFCU Fee Schedule

Type Cost
Overdraft (Check, ACH, or ATM) 20.00
Overdraft Transfer (Over 1 per/month) 5.00 each
Share Draft/ACH Stop Pay 20.00
Share Draft Acct Printout Costs 3.00
Share Draft Acct w/ balance dropping below $500 3.00
Direct Deposit Info & Set Up no charge
Notary Service (free for members)5.00
Statement Copies 3.00
Certified Copy of Paid Draft 3.00
Dormant Account 5.00 per month
Bad Address Fee 5.00 per month
Debit/ATM Card Replacement Fee (lost card) 5.00
CU Check Payable to 2nd Party (Free for members - 1 per day) 5.00
Research Acct (Waived if CU error) 20.00 an hour

Wire Fee (Domestic) 20.00
Wire Fee (Foreign) 65.00
Credit Reports 30.00
Real Estate Closing Costs actual cost
Title & Lien Fees actual cost
Late Charges on Loans 20% of interest due when loan is delinquent for a period of 15 days or more (minimum $.05)
Recreational Property Loans 3rd party fees
Paper Statement Fee 3.00 free if you were born before 1/1/1950
Real Estate Origination Fee 750.00 or 1%; whichever is greater

To find an ATM or Shared Branch location near you, visit or call 1-888-SITE-CO-OP (1-888-748-3266)